Sunday, September 3, 2023

News Sources

I use many news sources.  The most popular one I use is the weather channel.  The reason this one is the biggest is because to me, knowing the weather is more important than either politics or road conditions.  these often appear on news channels and skipping them to get to what i need is incredibly important.

Official logo of the weather channel

The next biggest news source is a channel called Mogul Mail.  This channel covers most of the pop culture references that I usually don't get because I am not on social media.  A huge part of the draw is that Ludwig, the man who runs the channel, has a degree in journalism.  He provides sources and proof to what he is talking about.

Ludwig Ahgren

The third biggest news source is from Penguin0.  He is also referred to as Moist Cr1TiKaL or Charlie.  what is so appealing about him is the variety of topics he covers.  From scandals to movie choices, he covers everything. He even posts a few video games and esports information to keep me in the loop of those things. Another huge thing I like is the delivery of the information.  It keeps it lighthearted by delivering it very nonchalantly.  

Charles Christopher White Jr.

The fourth biggest news channel I watch is Hero Hei.  While it seems more charged one way, it still gives both sides to make conclusions from.  It also mainly covers things from twitter which i do not use at all.  Covering more adventurous topic from compared to the other ones is big because of living in a more censored world.

Hero Hei profile picture.

The last channel I use is the official channel of Nintendo.  I am big into games, so to have a channel that primarily focuses on game releases is a very big thing for me.  Nintendo is the types of games I grew up with and continue to love to this day.

Official logo of Nintendo

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