Monday, September 18, 2023

In Class Presentation Thoughts

 I learned a lot from the in-class presentation about communication devices.  Firstly, I thought that the longest used form of communication being carrier pigeons was very interesting.  The fact that they were used all the way up to the 21st century is incredible.  Moreover, the fact that they were able to achieve medals to commemorate their service is awesome.

Carrier Pigeons

Another thing I learned is that while radio was invented, it took some time to integrate it into every house on the block.  These forms of communication were so revolutionary that I thought it would be like the newest Apple product dropping where people would form lines just to get their hands on one. 

Vintage radio

After learning about the radio, the next invention that caught my attention was the phonograph.  Specifically, when Alexander Graham Bell made a better one than Thomas Edison.  When Graham Bell went to make a third rendition of the phonograph, he asked Edison if they could work together on the project.  He refused, deciding the lightbulb was more pressing.  I don’t know why he refused to help on the third edition when it was clearly a successful project.

Thomas Edison and his phonograph

A fourth thing I found interesting is that Facebook started as a way for people to rate college level girls on attractiveness based on a headshot.  The fact that Mark Zuckerberg got away with it by saying he exposed their security flaws is even more brazen than the other comment.  He violated security measures for the college and should have had some consequences.

Facebook's logo

The last thing I found interesting is that cassette tape players are no longer in cars.  Between the Walkman and cars, cassette tapes were a huge part of the music you could listen to anywhere.  Cars no longer producing them available is terrible for those who currently have them.

Car cassette player

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